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Thank you Jessica! 22 March 2013 By: The AZLera Team

After a very successful year as In-Country Project Manager we sadly farewell
Jessica Barratt and thank her profusely for all her hard work and her contribution
to Projecto Oceano. We wish her ALL the very best for the future!

Read Jessica's last Monthly Report here.

Voz Jovem March Edition 9 April 2013 By: Projecto Oceano

Written and reseached by our fantastic project members, the 15th edition of Projecto
Oceano’s monthly newsletter ‘Voz Jovem’ has just been published. This month's topics

Mozambique's floods, Nelson Mandela, Cultural Change, Valentine's Day and more!

Read it here ...
New Website 16 May 2013 By: The AZLera Team

Welcome to AZLera's brand new website! We have worked hard to redesign
and restructure our website, aiming to make it more informative and easy to
navigate. We hope you like it and welcome your comments!

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Projecto Oceano February Report 8 March 2013 By: Jessica Barratt

It’s a strange feeling as I sit down to write what will be my penultimate monthly
report from Projecto Oceano, Ilha de Moçambique. Knowing I’ve only got a few
weeks left now fills me with fluctuating degrees of panic, grief, excitement and
pride. But before I get too sentimental, let’s take a look at what’s been going on
over the last month.

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Social Debate ‘As Vantagens e Desvantagens das Redes Sócias’ 9 April 2013
By: Projecto Oceano

As redes sociais são programas da internet muito utilizados mundialmente,
elas tem por objectivo manter conectado as pessoas. Sendo este programa
conhecido e utilizado por maior parte do mundo propos o tema para saber de
nós a cerca das vantagens e como não podemos falar apenas das vantagens
inclui também as desvantagens.

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Welcome Denny! 22 March 2013 By: The AZLera Team

AZLera is excited to announce Denny Newhouse as Projecto Oceano's new
In-Country Project Manager. She has hit the ground running and has already
initiated the project's very first Photography classes. We warmly welcome her
to the AZLera team and look forward to the year ahead together!

Read more about the AZLera team here ...
Projecto Oceano April Report 7 May 2013 By: Denny Newhouse

Though I arrived last month, April has been my first month of managing the
Project ‘on my own’ – well, without Jess the former Project Manager here
anyways. To be honest, I actually cannot say that I manage anything on my
own as the Project is 100% a team effort and even now Jess and many others
are helping me out on a daily basis. Perhaps most directly valuable to me are
the ten Project Members ...

Continue reading Denny's first monthly report from Ilha de Mozambique ...
Social Debate 'Analfabetismo em Moçambique' 10 May 2013 By: Projecto Oceano

Analfabetismo é um factor preocupante para o governo moçambicano uma vez que este
abrange 51,9% da população. Sendo este um dos maiores problemas de Moçambique,
o governo tem feito esforço para baixar a taxa de analfabetos no nosso país. Mas, apesar
de tudo a taxa de analfabetos nota-se ainda na mesma situação. Um ponto bem visível
é o facto de que a percentagem do analfabetismo é mas abrangida nas mulheres e nas
zonas rurais.

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Social Debate 'Analfabetismo em Moçambique' 10 May 2013 By: Projecto Oceano

Analfabetismo é um factor preocupante para o governo moçambicano uma vez que este
abrange 51,9% da população. Sendo este um dos maiores problemas de Moçambique,
o governo tem feito esforço para baixar a taxa de analfabetos no nosso país. Mas, apesar
de tudo a taxa de analfabetos nota-se ainda na mesma situação. Um ponto bem visível
é o facto de que a percentagem do analfabetismo é mas abrangida nas mulheres e nas
zonas rurais.

Continue reading ...
New Website 16 May 2013 By: The AZLera Team

Welcome to AZLera's brand new website! We have worked hard to redesign
and restructure our website, aiming to make it more informative and easy to
navigate. We hope you like it and welcome your comments!

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New Website 16 May 2013 By: The AZLera Team

Welcome to AZLera's brand new website! We have worked hard to redesign
and restructure our website, aiming to make it more informative and easy to
navigate. We hope you like it and welcome your comments!

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Projecto Oceano May 2013 Report 16 May 2013 By: Denny Newhouse

The month of May flew by quicker than any of us at Projecto Oceano could have
anticipated. At the beginning of the month we started thinking about and planning
for Dia da Criança, which happens every year on June 1st here in Mozambique.
In many parts of the country Mozambicans take this day to celebrate children,
which for obvious reasons is a really lovely holiday and much appreciated ...

Continue reading Denny's May 2013 Report ...

Projecto Oceano June 2013 Report 06 July 2013 By: Denny Newhouse

Following the craziness and fun that was Dia da Criança on June 1st,
we had a brief respite and then it was back to running around the island
helping with various events for the Feira do Oceano .....

Continue reading Denny's June 2013 Report ...

Projecto Oceano June 2013 Report 06 July 2013 By: Denny Newhouse

This has been a good month as there was a lot of activity and progress, though not without the usual ups and downs. The highlight of the month was the visit to Projecto Oceano by US Ambassador Douglas Griffith and his wife .....

Continue reading Denny's September 2013 Report ...